The earlier children are given the opportunity to train their thoughts, the better they will be able to use resources profitably during their development. The aim is to integrate mental training into everyday life in the early phases of development. Mental training can strengthen a child's self-confidence, develop supportive thoughts, provide security and develop a sense of personal strengths and weaknesses.
I work with children aged 6 and over and support them in a playful and creative way to develop their own strengths and get to know and regulate their emotions.
The earlier children are given the opportunity to train their thoughts, the better they can use resources profitably in their development. The aim is to integrate mental training into everyday life in the early development phases. With mental training, the child's self-confidence can be strengthened, supporting thoughts can be developed, security can be offered and a feeling for personal strengths and weaknesses can be developed.
Perhaps you are familiar with one of the following situations?
Does your child have trouble controlling their emotions (e.g. outbursts of anger)?
Is your child very sensitive to criticism?
Does your child have trouble concentrating in class and not getting distracted?
Is your child struggling to socialize with other children?
MENTAL TRAINING BASEL provides you with the solution! With targeted mental training tailored to your child, we tackle exactly these or similar initial situations.
The sessions are very playful. Together we learn to relax better or to concentrate better with techniques and games suitable for children. Imaginative journeys and stories train awareness and perception. We work with the 5 senses and strengthen perception.
strengthen attention
Your child learns to control its attention and not to be distracted by anything.
Get to know Emotions
Your child gets to know the different emotions in a playful way and develops a feeling for when which emotion occurs _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-5cc94c-de-51-94c- de -58d bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and how to deal with it.
strengthen self-confidence
Promote balance_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
More Effective Learning
Your child gets to know their personal strengths and weaknesses, strengthens their self-confidence in their abilities and learns to use them, for example, in the case of bullying.
Promote balance in a playful way, e.g. in times of stress or after starting school.
Your child will get to know different learning strategies in order to learn effectively and in a time-saving manner at an early age. Life will benefit from it.
encourage creativity
dealing with fears
understand feelings
Creativity is encouraged step by step through games and artistic activities. In this way, important resources are provided for the future.
Dealing with different fears (e.g. animals, strangers, new situations). Your child will benefit from it throughout their life.
Your child will get to know and understand their feelings better and also better perceive the feelings of other people.
It doesn't matter in which area - as your expert in mental training, I offer you individual mental training tailored to your child.
Build appreciation for people, values and nature
Minimize mood swings
Dealing with criticism constructively
Encourage joie de vivre in a playful way
Strengthen concentration and motivation
Build joy in learning and teaching
processing negative experiences
encourage imagination